Bilateral Mediations
- $285/hr per side
- Rate applies to preparation time and material follow-up time
- Out-of-town fees available upon request
- Flat fees available upon request
- Lunch and parking included
- No administrative fees
Multiparty Mediations
- 3 separately-represented participants: $225/hr per participant
- 4 separately-represented participants: $195/hr per participant
- 5 separately-represented participants: $175/hr per participant
- 6 or more separately-represented participants: fee quote available upon request
- Rates apply to preparation time and material follow-up time
- Out-of-town fees available upon request
- Flat fees available upon request
- Lunch and parking included
- No administrative fees
Class/Collective Action Mediations
- Flat fee of $4,750 per side
- Flat fee covers 1-day session, up to 3 hours of preparation and up to 2 hours of follow-up
- Out-of-town fees available upon request
- Lunch and parking included
- No administrative fees
Cancellation Fee
- If it becomes necessary to cancel a scheduled mediation, we kindly request notice as early as possible. If the mediation is postponed or cancelled within 10 business days of the scheduled mediation date a late cancellation fee will be charged and split equally between the parties. The cancellation fee will be equal to 2 hours at the mediator’s standard (bilateral) hourly rate plus any preparation time actually incurred on the case by the mediator.